Thursday, September 17, 2015

Over the past few months there has been a lot of stuff goin on about the confederate flag, more than usual I should say, everyone saying its a racist sign yeah I know its been goining on forever people gettin mad when you fly a confederate flag off your truck or in your yard. In Ashland Al if you fly a confederate flag off your truck you will get pulled over by the Sheriff and you'll have to take it down then and there because they are afraid it will start trouble. All of this stuff got bad again when the guy that went into the church in Charlston South Carolina and shot those members who were black, all because on his facebook page he had a picture of him and the confederate flag it was a racicial thing but I guarantee you that if it was a white church he still would've done it because he has mental disorder coming from his family and if i aint mistaken a doctor had actually said that he has a mental disorder to prove to the public that thats why he did what he did. You ask me you think it was wrong what did? Yeah it was wrong cause those few lives he took were prcious to their loved ones. Am I a racist person? No in the Bble it says to love your neighbour I dont care if your black, white or any other color I have no hate against anyone cause the Bible also say if you hateth your brother your a murderer. The only reason I have my blog as the confederate flag supporter is cause I'm tired of people putting disrespect on the flag that we faught over in the civil war now if you think this flag is a racist sign then go get a history lesson.          

                                                                                           Bradly Brown

Friday, September 4, 2015